Tjibaria In Top 10 World’s TEDx Chart

Dear Freedom Lifestyle Entrepreneurs,

We wanted to share some powerful news with you:

Tjibaria is in the Top 10 World’s TEDx Chart for Most Watched TEDx Talks Released on YouTube in March 2024.

Thank you for all of you for watching and commenting! This means so much and truly helps us reach and empower more people!

Watch the TEDx Talk here:

See the article here:

We are excited with this news as it truly helps us to reach more people and change more lives.

Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your life!


The Freedom Lifestyle Creators Team

FLC Team Featured In CEO TIMES

FLC Team Featured In CEO Times

“We believe everyone has the right to be free, physically, mentally, spiritually and financially!” 


Read our front page feature in CEO Times here:

So proud of our FLC Core Family, the things we get to do together is a true blessing:

– Changing lives on the daily.

– Helping people break free from what held them back for years and achieve True Freedom!

– Getting entrepreneurs and companies to scale their businesses in income, automation and wealth building.

Truly proud of our FLC Core Family members Mel, Misty, Josie, Akshiti, Rajesh, Seb, Pierre, Shusmita, Dad, Mom and all FLC extended family for making the Freedom Lifestyle Movement the powerful movement that it is.



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Forbes Article – Ambitious Entrepreneurs

Hu Ha Hu, we are so very honoured to be featured in Forbes with our Freedom Lifestyle Movement.

So proud of what we get to do for people every single day: 

The Freedom Lifestyle Creators company has helped hundreds of thousands of people around the world: from multi-million-dollar businesses to people who want an exit plan from their corporate positions, to people never been in business and want to monetise their passion.